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Yumy stream icon
Multi-spec healer player, pushing some of the highest keys of the season with every tier, displaying some of the best gameplay as a Restoration Shaman, Yumy is making himself a big name in the M+ healer community through his performances and his Youtube channel, week after week offering some highly valuable tips.
He's a great host on Twitch, spending a lot of time with his community and the chat, in an atmosphere casual and funny, answering questions from its viewers.
If you're trying to progress as a healer, again, make sure to checkout his previously mentioned Youtube channel as it offers some of the best healer content out there.
Korimae stream icon
#2 World Mistweaver in BfA Season 4, after a #4 World in Season 3, also playing in one of the best US guilds, Hall of Fame #36 World on Castle Nathria, Korimae clearly is one of the finest healers in the game.
Her streams are very focused around M+ keys, but when her attention isn't spent on healing those crazy high dungeons, she's very active with the chat and offering help and tips.
Her Youtube channel features some of her best runs together with commentaries, a great way to learn a few things from one of the very best Resto Shaman player in the World.
Zmok stream icon
M+ legendary multi-spec healer, MDI Competitor, Zmok is a very familiar figure in the M+ community. Accustomed to the podium on his main spec healer with each season, he's everytime a great source of inspiration.
His streams are very chill, funny and friendly, Zmok being a great host & nice person. He's answering a lot of chat questions, offering tips to its viewers.
MadSkillzzTV stream icon
Brilliant at teaching, engaged in offering quality advices to the community, be it on his Youtube channel or on his stream, Mad is a very chill and kind person. His recent "PUG to 2K RIO" adventure is also a great source of knowledge to players out there not playing in premades.
Host and entertainer, Mad is very helpful to his chat and community, answering any questions asked he has time to read, and going in depth with the answers.
Barokoshama stream icon
Several times #1 North America Shaman, frequently sitting on the World Elemental Shaman podium during BFA, Barokoshama is one of the most well known players of his spec.
Twitch partner, content writer and creator with his fantastic Youtube channel focused on Elemental Shaman advices of all sorts, Barokoshama is an excellent host and entertainer, whose focus is as much on his content as his community, helping out and offering advice.
Djfroosh stream icon
Elemental legend, with World #1 S1, #2 S2 and #4 S3 Elemental Shaman in BFA, there's no doubt Djfroosh is one of the world best players of his spec.
Like with many of the top M+ players, his focus is on the game during the keys, but he's trying to take the time to answer in between runs.
Elbro stream icon
Now, the plan was to only feature English streamers, but it's hard to cite an Enh Shaman, and have them not be Elbro. His skill, experience and perseverance says it all: World #1 Enhancement for S3 and S4 of BFA, and #2 for S2. So here it is, we have our only non-English streamer featured.
His group comm is in German, but his chat is mostly in English, and he tries to answer any question in there, offering his very rare and unique experience of this widely considered non-meta spec he's so passionate about.